What’s New in PeriopSim?

What’s New?

We’ve been busy creating new surgery and instrumentation modules. Neurosurgery was a high priority as we are collaborating with David Clarke and his colleagues at Dalhousie in an exciting research study. The Rookie Camp research study looks at the effects of training rookie neurosurgical residents with PeriopSim. Read more below.

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Lap Chole and Burr Hole Modules

We’ve now added Lap Chole and Burr Hole surgery, Lap Chole instrumentation and 3 neurosurgery instrumentation modules.


Tell Us the Surgeries You Need!

We have C-Section, Mastectomy, Bowel Resection and Heart Valve Replacement all in the works but we need help prioritizing content. Vote here to tell us what you need most urgently.


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Current Content Library

Instrumentation Modules:

  • Common Basic
  • Hernia
  • Lap Chole
  • Neurosurgery
  • Neurosurgery Basic
  • Burr Hole

Surgery Modules:

  • Hernia
  • Lap Chole
  • Burr Hole

Rookie Neurosurgeons Learn with PeriopSim!

Rookie Camp Research Study

The Rookie Camp research study, conducted by Dalhousie University’s Division of Neurosurgery in association with 12 established Neurosurgery training programs across Canada, evaluated PeriopSim as an educational and training tool.

The results showed significant gains in OR instrument training and surgical procedure performance for neurosurgical residents. PeriopSim reduced the number of errors and improved the amount time saved, while also improving over all performance scores in simulated surgical skills training.

The research study manuscript is currently submitted for peer review publication in an international journal for advanced medical training and education. We look forward to sharing more details when it is published.

We’re proud to work with Dr Clarke and his team at Dalhousie University / Nova Scotia Health Authority to produce our neurosurgery content and to contribute to this exciting research study.

PeriopSim enabled neurosurgery residents to learn the steps and instruments of the Burr Hole procedure. PeriopSim is valuable for any surgical resident or nurse who needs to prepare for an unfamiliar surgical procedure

Dr. David Clarke

Surgeon and Head of Neurosurgery, Dalhousie University / Nova Scotia Health Authority