To prepare for the Survey we reviewed the Position Statement from AORN.  

For reference:


For the survey, we asked over 97 Perioperative professionals the following questions:

1) What is the most challenging thing to train a Perioperative RN or ST on?

2) What is the most time consuming thing to train a Perioperative RN or ST on?

3) Do they have a requirement for their Periop RNs to scrub?

4) What are the top priority outcomes they are currently working on at their facility?  


This is what we learned:

PeriopSimSurvey - Most Time Consuming

PeriopSimSurvey2 - Most Challenging to Train

PeriopSimSurvey2 - Scrub Requirement

PeriopSimSurvey2 - Top Priority Outcomes

PeriopSimSurvey2 - Roles

What PeriopSim has today to help with these identified priorities:
  • CURRICULUM IMPACT: 30+ clinical experience hours, 35+ experiences across general, laparoscopic, trauma, ortho, thoracic and 5 complete surgical procedures and 6+ hours of simulation for each learner training (Experience List Here)
  • COMPETENCY EVALUATION:  Independent quantitative competency evaluation of the following clinical skills:  steps of a procedure, anticipating the surgeon, sharps safety, safe passing technique, maintaining sterile zone and instrumentation.  (iPad Only)
  • SIMULATION METHOD: Our iPad and VR simulations are 6x times faster than clinical where we take a 1 hour long procedure and the simulated clinical experience is 10 minutes.  Confident and competent staff positively impacts team dynamics and retention.
  • BUSINESS CASE: Customer ROI is being measured at 4-18x in time, cost and productivity for educators, preceptors and learners.